Friday, May 28, 2010

The Way it Ends

My what a glorious few weeks it has been. My trip to Germany was ultimately a blast! I met a ton of new people, visited cool historic landmarks, and fell in love with giant soft pretzels....yummmmmmmmm!

Now that I'm back at home it feels like I have to stop being a crumbum and face the "real world." My lease is up in the beginning of July so I need to figure out my living situation and my ass also needs to find a job. I don't even know where I want to start with the whole job hunt thing, however, I do know that I don't want to work at the parking garage forever. Why, oh why, can't I be a student forever?? Also, my definition of student means that I can legitimately be a crumbum while never ever having to do homework. EVER.

So my life isn't exciting at the moment. I'm still jet lagged and I don't know what to do with all of my free time. Now that I'm finally experiencing some warm weather I want to do shit outside, if not for attempting to be more active, but to gain some color. I am sooooooo pale; I need some sun! Ahh, I love warm weather!

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