Monday, May 17, 2010


I'm stealing more of Rachael's pictures...mwahahaha! Don't tell her that I posted this pic of her...
So the other day I finally had my first taste of some german brew. To be quite honest, I have no idea how good it is or not. There are so many things from that night that I don't remember and I probably never will...On Saturday some peeps and myself headed over to a little festival called Dult. Apparently Dult happens in Regensberg twice a year in May and in September, so I think I picked a good time to travel out here.
So yes, back to beer. I chugged a beer that was roughly the size of my head (there are pics of that) or if you want to be exact, one liter of that shit. That stuff gave me the worst hangover of my life, BUT I had a lot of fun that night. I met a ton of new people and had an authentic german experience...barfing on myself in public. Ohhh yeaaahhh...good times.
I'm sorry that all of the text is running together in one giant blob...computers just don't like me today...Errrrrrr

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