Friday, May 14, 2010

Make It Without You

Regensberg Germany
Photo courtesty of Raquel/Rackel/Rochelle/Bitch/Rachael G.

Hallo folks! My crumbum made it to Germany! The flights were long, people were smelly, but overall it wasn't too much of a hassle to get here. The time difference still feels a little weird (Germany is 8 hours ahead of Colorado) because I want to sleep all of the time, but hey, who doesn't love to sleep?

When I finally settled in at Rachael's place we ended up going out to some restaurant that I can't pronounce, and I had some weiner schnitzel. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We didn't do too much last night because it was a long day for the both of us, but I'll be here for two weeks. I think that is enough time to see a lot of stuff, and hopefully the weather will clear up a little bit. It's raining and it's supossed to continue at least through the weekend. Shitty weather or not, it's actually really beautiful 'round these parts. I love seeing everything green and alive, rather than dead and dried up.

On another note, I am remembering to take a lot of pictures, HOWEVER, I forgot my stupid adapter for my memory card, so I can't upload anything. I know, bummer. Well, on the flipside I learned a teeny bit of German. I can say hi, thank you, and like 2 other real words, and I can also count to 10. w00t w00t! Well, I'm off to go get either some soda or a...shall I say auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

  1. Yay I'm glad your crumbum made it to Germany! I expect to see all your pictures when you get back. So have you tried the beer yet?
