Sunday, May 23, 2010

Left Behind

Ahhh, I have only 3 more days left in Germany! It's crazy how time flies...seriously, it seems like I just got here yesterday. Although I've stayed pretty busy in the last week and a half, it still seems like there is so much more for me to do and see!
On Friday a few friends and myself took a little day trip to Munich. We went on a free walking tour of the city, and oddly it was educational and fun. I never thought I'd be saying that, but it's true. Our tour guide mostly told us shit about Hitler running around in Munich, so I guess that played a part in my paying attention. Apparently throughout the city there are small, and I mean small, memorials dedicated to those that should never have died because of Nazi rule. We only saw 3 of them and sadly, I don't think I took a picture of any of them... However, I do have other really good pictures so it's not a total loss in the photography area. Also, by some freakish miracle the sun came out! I definitely take Colorado's sunshine for granted. So of course the weather doesn't get better until I'm about leave...stupid Germany, lol.
So after a long day of walking through Munich we decided to head back over to Dult to have some fun! There was beer, table dancing, good music, and no barfing. We stayed until Dult ended for the night, but we weren't tired yet so... we went to a german club! I think it was called Suzie Wong's, but I could be completely wrong about that...anyway, it was an odd comfort to find that german and american clubs are really not that different. People dance, drink, and "enjoy" themselves while listening to american pop songs...awesome.
So now that I have only 3 days left I've got to do some more shopping, send off stuff in the mail, and go on another trip tomorrow, but I don't remember the destination...oh well, I'll worry about it the meantime, I'm off to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Bahhh sounds so freaking awesome. You have to post pictures the SECOND you get home. Like literally, no time to waste. I want to see! And it's all about MEEEEEE :-)

    I'm glad you're having such a ridiculously good time out there. And safe travels home!
