Friday, May 28, 2010

The Way it Ends

My what a glorious few weeks it has been. My trip to Germany was ultimately a blast! I met a ton of new people, visited cool historic landmarks, and fell in love with giant soft pretzels....yummmmmmmmm!

Now that I'm back at home it feels like I have to stop being a crumbum and face the "real world." My lease is up in the beginning of July so I need to figure out my living situation and my ass also needs to find a job. I don't even know where I want to start with the whole job hunt thing, however, I do know that I don't want to work at the parking garage forever. Why, oh why, can't I be a student forever?? Also, my definition of student means that I can legitimately be a crumbum while never ever having to do homework. EVER.

So my life isn't exciting at the moment. I'm still jet lagged and I don't know what to do with all of my free time. Now that I'm finally experiencing some warm weather I want to do shit outside, if not for attempting to be more active, but to gain some color. I am sooooooo pale; I need some sun! Ahh, I love warm weather!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Left Behind

Ahhh, I have only 3 more days left in Germany! It's crazy how time flies...seriously, it seems like I just got here yesterday. Although I've stayed pretty busy in the last week and a half, it still seems like there is so much more for me to do and see!
On Friday a few friends and myself took a little day trip to Munich. We went on a free walking tour of the city, and oddly it was educational and fun. I never thought I'd be saying that, but it's true. Our tour guide mostly told us shit about Hitler running around in Munich, so I guess that played a part in my paying attention. Apparently throughout the city there are small, and I mean small, memorials dedicated to those that should never have died because of Nazi rule. We only saw 3 of them and sadly, I don't think I took a picture of any of them... However, I do have other really good pictures so it's not a total loss in the photography area. Also, by some freakish miracle the sun came out! I definitely take Colorado's sunshine for granted. So of course the weather doesn't get better until I'm about leave...stupid Germany, lol.
So after a long day of walking through Munich we decided to head back over to Dult to have some fun! There was beer, table dancing, good music, and no barfing. We stayed until Dult ended for the night, but we weren't tired yet so... we went to a german club! I think it was called Suzie Wong's, but I could be completely wrong about that...anyway, it was an odd comfort to find that german and american clubs are really not that different. People dance, drink, and "enjoy" themselves while listening to american pop songs...awesome.
So now that I have only 3 days left I've got to do some more shopping, send off stuff in the mail, and go on another trip tomorrow, but I don't remember the destination...oh well, I'll worry about it the meantime, I'm off to eat!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ok, here it comes;

the Debbie Downer aspect of my trip...

I visited the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial.

The camp was intense to say the least. We walked through the bunkers, barracks, gas chamber, and the crematorium, and it was totally unreal to imagine that so many died there. I think the official number of people that died there was in the range of like 40 something thousand people. It was insane.
The weather yesterday was gloomy and rainy, and we were all really cold walking around the site, but how could we complain about that in a concentration camp??? We had layers of clothing, decent shoes, snacks, etc., so I can't believe that prisoners were actually able to survive there.I wouldn't have made it. I've always thought that camp survivors were heroes in their own way, but after actually visiting a camp, I feel like I haven't been giving them enough credit.
To survive such atrocities is miraculous.
While it may have been a depressing day, I'm glad that I went to visit an important place in history. The experience is something I will never forget. I'd write more but Rachael's computer is pissing me off (sorry Rachael).

Monday, May 17, 2010


I'm stealing more of Rachael's pictures...mwahahaha! Don't tell her that I posted this pic of her...
So the other day I finally had my first taste of some german brew. To be quite honest, I have no idea how good it is or not. There are so many things from that night that I don't remember and I probably never will...On Saturday some peeps and myself headed over to a little festival called Dult. Apparently Dult happens in Regensberg twice a year in May and in September, so I think I picked a good time to travel out here.
So yes, back to beer. I chugged a beer that was roughly the size of my head (there are pics of that) or if you want to be exact, one liter of that shit. That stuff gave me the worst hangover of my life, BUT I had a lot of fun that night. I met a ton of new people and had an authentic german experience...barfing on myself in public. Ohhh yeaaahhh...good times.
I'm sorry that all of the text is running together in one giant blob...computers just don't like me today...Errrrrrr

Friday, May 14, 2010

Make It Without You

Regensberg Germany
Photo courtesty of Raquel/Rackel/Rochelle/Bitch/Rachael G.

Hallo folks! My crumbum made it to Germany! The flights were long, people were smelly, but overall it wasn't too much of a hassle to get here. The time difference still feels a little weird (Germany is 8 hours ahead of Colorado) because I want to sleep all of the time, but hey, who doesn't love to sleep?

When I finally settled in at Rachael's place we ended up going out to some restaurant that I can't pronounce, and I had some weiner schnitzel. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We didn't do too much last night because it was a long day for the both of us, but I'll be here for two weeks. I think that is enough time to see a lot of stuff, and hopefully the weather will clear up a little bit. It's raining and it's supossed to continue at least through the weekend. Shitty weather or not, it's actually really beautiful 'round these parts. I love seeing everything green and alive, rather than dead and dried up.

On another note, I am remembering to take a lot of pictures, HOWEVER, I forgot my stupid adapter for my memory card, so I can't upload anything. I know, bummer. Well, on the flipside I learned a teeny bit of German. I can say hi, thank you, and like 2 other real words, and I can also count to 10. w00t w00t! Well, I'm off to go get either some soda or a...shall I say auf Wiedersehen!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Trapped In The New Scene

I can't believe I've finally finished college! w00t w00t! For the longest time it seemed as though this day would never come. As of yesterday morning I officially ended my college career and gained a degree in sociology. The ceremony time took longer than expected because it snowed Thursday night/Friday morning and they had to clear it out of the stadium, but it was definitely something I'll never forget.

When I graduated from high school back in '06 the only thing that I can remember is that it was sooooo fricken hot outside. I sat in the back row of the bleachers, so naturally my body was used as shade for someone else. Also, Stephanie (pictured above) saved me from having to give a speech at the ceremony as salutatorian (thanks for messing up your perfect GPA). Other than that, it was all one giant blur.

While CU's ceremony was very large and unorganized, I feel that it was the perfect ending to these last 4 years. After spending eight semesters stressing over papers, tests, and presentations, it was kind of nice to sit there, relax, and take in the moment.
I'm still taking it all in.

Frederick High School
May 27th, 2006
So fuckin' hot

University of Colorado at Boulder
May 7th, 2010
So fuckin' cold

CU isn't that much bigger...right?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cold Shoulder

So classes are over and my finals start tomorrow. So why, oh why, is it when I need my computer the most, that it fails me? The little shit turns off on its own, won't turn back on, and the fan is ridiculously loud. I've had it for 4 years, so why can't the damn thing survive another week?! I've decided that when I buy a new laptop, I'm going to have some fun with my old one...

Here are my options:
1. Throw it out the window
2. Set it on fire (Hendrix style)
3. Throw it in a lake
4. Feed it to the cat/Maggie/bitch
5. Attempt to flush it down someone else's toilet, and then leave it there...
6. Run it over with a car
7. Drop kick it
8. Smash it with a baseball bat
9. Punch it...A LOT
10. All of the above

I'll be pondering more options until that special day of destruction happens, but in the meantime, I guess I should actually do my homework before I see the blue screen of death.