Saturday, July 24, 2010

One Day More

I know that I've been neglecting to write lately, but I don't really have much going on. I've been applying for a lot of jobs, but I've also been getting rejected for a lot of them. However, I have snagged an interview to work for the city of Boulder. It's not my dream job , but it's a job and I straight up need one...

Speaking of work, I have been picking up a ton of hours at the good ol' crapshack/parking garage and it's been a brutal few weeks. Nobody should be confined to those metal death traps for 40 hours a week. Aside from the money, the only upside is seeing a billion hot air balloons in the morning when I leave my apartment. There's a place somewhere in Gunbarrel that's the launching pad for all of the balloons. I should see if I could bum a ride from them to work. How cool would that be, arriving at work by hot air balloon rather than something boring like the bus.

So I lied, I do have news. My hobag and very good friend Rachael is coming back home this Friday!

For the last year Rachael has been studying abroad in Germany, and I think it's about time that she's coming home! It's been a sad and long year harassing the cat without her. I can't wait to see that goofy face of hers!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Gravel Road

Finally, after 2 months of sitting on my ass watching tv shows, I have found something a little better to do with my time. I'll give you a hint, it has something to do with the picture above...That's right, I'm learning how to play the piano! I love music and I've always been interested in learning how to play it.

Many moons ago (6th grade), I joined band and since then I've found it necessary to listen to good music every day. Now don't get me wrong, I listen to a lot of awful shit as well, but whatever; you have to listen to the bad stuff in order to understand what the good shit really is,...right?

So throughout middle school and high school I ended up playing the trombone, bass trombone, and baritone, and it was easy to transition between all of them because they all used only the bass clef. However, the fricken piano uses the bass and treble clef, which is really a pain in my ass. I honestly feel like a new music student learning how to play an instrument. It's one of those things that's exciting and annoying because I want to be able to read and play music quickly. Oh well though, I'll just take it one step at a time and see what happens...

Now that I have a new hobby, I will say that I have not been neglecting my old ones. I'm still addicted to television and other things. Oh, and yes, I am actually looking for a job now. I've applied to a few places, and really I'm just looking for anything that I'm qualified for that has nothing to do with fast food. The ability to watch movies and play on the internet at work are great at the parking garage, but they aren't exactly the best things to put on a resume. I think it's time to move on... :(

Cosas que arruinan mi vida:
1. True Blood (way better than that Twilight crap, way better)
2. Breaking Bad
3. Eating more fudgesicles
4. Playing Tetris...BEST GAME EVER!!
5. Still Harassing the Cat <---- This will never end as long as she is alive...